Poetic Quote of the Week

I will not sing the song of others in other people’s words; I will not see the world of others through other people’s eyes. But blue, far into space, I’ll hurl my judgment of the human race, upwards to the unassuming sky, farther than any bird can fly. TIMOTHY CORSELLIS

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


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The JAKE ADAM YORK PRIZE for Poetry Collections is available and open to submission by confident poets. 

Eligibility: To be eligible, poets cannot have published more than one full-length book of poetry.

Prize: The prize-winning poet will receive $2,000 and publication by Milkweed Editions in April, 2018.

Deadline: The deadline for submission of poetry collections will be October 15, 2016.

Caveat: All submitters to the prize will receive a one-year subscription to Copper Nickel (worth $20) in exchange for a $25 reading fee, and all money raised after production costs for the prize are covered will go toward paying Copper Nickel contributors.

Submission Link: https://coppernickel.submittable.com/submit

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