The theme of this poetry competition is poetry and politics, so in order
to enter your poem it must be about any aspect of politics. Your poem
can be about international politics or instead be about something
political much more closer to home.
The competition is open to everyone regardless of nationality.
Length of Work:
Poems should not exceed 50 lines.
The author of the winning poem will receive £200.
The winning poem and runners-up will be published in our online magazine
The winning poem and runners-up will be published in our online magazine
Entry Fee:
Free to enter.
- Your poem has to be written in English
- Translations are not accepted
- Poems should not exceed 50 lines
- The poem must be the original work of the entrant
- The poems must not have been previously awarded or published
- You can only send in one poem per entrant
- You have to be eighteen or over
- You can be based in any country but your poem needs to be in English
- You can be of any nationality but your poem needs to be in English
- We only accept email submissions
The competition closes on 31 August 2016 at midnight GMT.
How to Submit
In order to enter the competition you have to email your poem to: Entries that do not follow the submission
guidelines set out below will not be processed, so please read these
instructions carefully.
- The poem must be attached as a single Microsoft Word or PDF file
- The file has to be named as follows: ddmmyy_firstnamesurname_pp.doc or .pdf, where ddmmyy is the date on which you send the email, first name and surname form your name.
- Poetry & Politics must appear in the subject line of the email
- The body of the email should contain your contact details
- Please do not add your name or contact details to the attachment that contains the poem.
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