Poetic Quote of the Week

I will not sing the song of others in other people’s words; I will not see the world of others through other people’s eyes. But blue, far into space, I’ll hurl my judgment of the human race, upwards to the unassuming sky, farther than any bird can fly. TIMOTHY CORSELLIS

Saturday, 20 August 2016



Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival


Everyone and Anyone can enter for the competition.


Entry Fee: 

£5 per poem, £3 per poem thereafter.

Type of Submission: 

Both Online and Offline.

Length of Work:

Poem must not be longer than 40 lines.



1st prize: £600   

2nd prize: £150   

3rd prize: £50



1   The competition is open to anyone aged 16 or over.
2   Poems should be in English, must not have been published either in print or on a website, nor be currently submitted or accepted for future publication. They must not have been awarded a prize in any other competition.
3   Poems must be your own original work and may be on any subject.
4   Poems must be typed and no longer than 40 lines.
5   If sending poems by post, each poem must be on a separate sheet of paper, which must not bear your name or any other means of identification. On a separate sheet of paper, you should give your name and address and the title(s) of the poem(s) submitted. Please include a cheque in payment for your entry/entries (see below) or, if you have paid by PayPal, the receipt number(s) for your payment(s). Please let us know where you heard about the competition.
6   If sending poems by email, each poem should be in a separate Word document, which must not bear your name or any other means of identification. In the text of your email, please include the PayPal receipt number that you received when you paid for your entry/entries, and please give your name and address and the title(s) of the poem(s) submitted. Please let us know where you heard about the competition.
7   Any number of poems may be submitted on payment of the appropriate fee, which is £5 for the first poem and £3 for each additional entry. Cheques (in sterling only) should be made payable to “Falmouth Poetry Group”. To pay for your entries by PayPal, please go to this page.
8   We regret that we are unable to return poems, or amend them after entry.
9   Results will be sent out in mid-October. Eight finalists will be invited by phone or email to read their poems at the festival, where the winners will be announced.
10  Copyright remains with the authors, but Falmouth Poetry Group reserves the right to publish the winning poems on the festival website.
11  Entries by post should be sent to:
The Competition Secretary, Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival, 33 Church Street, Helston, Cornwall TR13 8TD
12  Entries by email should be sent to: cocopocomp@gmail.com
13  The judge will read all poems submitted to the competition. There will be no sifting of entries.


The Closing Date of the competition is 3rd September, 2016.

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