Poetic Quote of the Week

I will not sing the song of others in other people’s words; I will not see the world of others through other people’s eyes. But blue, far into space, I’ll hurl my judgment of the human race, upwards to the unassuming sky, farther than any bird can fly. TIMOTHY CORSELLIS

Thursday, 6 October 2016


Poets are invited to submit poems for the World Book of Poetry. This is a unique opportunity for poets to find a world-wide audience for their work.


Poets all over the world are eligible to submit poems. 


Selected poems get published across the world for free, with poets retaining copyright.

Entry Fee: 

No entry fee is required. Submission of poems is absolutely free. 


·         Please send a maximum of five complete poems.
·         Poems may involve any subject, theme, or style.
·         Please do not rush your submission:  great care should be exerted for the choice of poems, since only one submission is acceptable. Poems cannot be altered subsequently.
·         The book seeks to preserve the best poems from the world’s greatest living poets. Poets should send only what they truly believe to be the very best work they can produce. The book is produced in the conviction that there are many wonderful poets yet to be discovered, and many established poets who have yet to write their best work.
·         Poems should be previously unpublished. Poets must possess complete ownership and copyright to all submitted poems. 
·         The editor has exclusive right to use selected poems until publication has been completed, where after all rights revert back to the poet. The book will state that all poets have copyright to their work.
·         There is no entry fee and no payment for inclusion.
·         The Editor’s decisions are final.
·         Poetry cannot be translated, but sometimes the greatness of a poet is obvious by the sheer power of the shadow, which is what a translation is. Translations, or versions, must be in English. If poems from another language are selected, the originals will be printed beside the translations.
·         Please do not send stories, plays, lyrics of songs, or prose pieces.
·         Poems can be of any length.
·         Please ensure your name is clearly printed on each page. Poems must be typed in a legible font.
·         Established and non-established poets are equally welcome to submit. Dedication, passion, and commitment are the only requirements.
·         Please ensure the letters in each poem are large enough to be easily read.


The deadline is OCTOBER 31st, 2016.

How to Submit: 

·       Only electronic submissions are acceptable, in PDF format. Poems should be sent as an attachment only, and not in the main body of the email. Poems sent through the mail cannot be accepted or returned. 

      Please submit your chosen five poems to:  worldbookofpoetry@gmail.com

Friday, 9 September 2016


Poetry Ireland Review is published three times annually. They welcome unsolicited submissions of poems, from Ireland and abroad, in Irish or English.




Poets from anywhere in the world are eligible to submit poems. 

Length of Work: 

Send a maximum of six poems.


Poets will receive a copy of the issue in which their work appears plus a €40 payment for their contribution.

Entry Fee: 

This competition is absolutely free to enter. 


  • Send a maximum of six poems.
  • Keep a hard copy / digital copy of each submission.
  • Poems should be original, and previously unpublished.
  • Poems should be typed / printed, with a cover note containing contact details and publication credits, if any. (Previous publication credits are not necessary to be considered for publication in Poetry Ireland Review).
  • If a poem continues over more than one page, clearly indicate stanza breaks between pages.
  • Include an email address with your posted submission if you only need notification of the editor’s decision and don’t need your work returned. The paperwork will be recycled in due course. This is the preferred method of submission: posted with email included for the editor's response.
  • If you don't have email, include a stamped self-addressed envelope or International Reply Coupons (for overseas submissions) with your posted submission, and indicate whether you'd like your work returned or only need notification of the Editor's decision.
  • There are no restrictions on style or subject, but Poetry Ireland strongly dislikes poems advocating sexism or racism.
  • Copyright for published work remains at all times with the author. Please note that poems published in PIR will also be added to our online archive of back issues.


Submission of poems is open throughout the year.

How to Submit: 

All submissions should be addressed to the Editor, currently Vona Groarke.
Email: email submissions are not accepted, although an email address may be included with a posted submission – see above.
Post: Poetry Ireland Review,
Poetry Ireland,
32 Kildare Street,
Dublin 2,

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is awarded annually to an African poet who has not yet published a collection of poetry.




The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets will only accept “first book” submissions from African writers who have not published a book-length poetry collection. This includes self-published books if they were sold online, in stores, or at readings. Writers who have edited and published an anthology or a similar collection of other writers’ work remain eligible.

Type of Work Accepted: 

Poem Collection

Length of Work: 

Poetry manuscripts should be at least 50 pages long.


The winner receives USD $1000 and book publication through the University of Nebraska Press and Amalion Press in Senegal.

Entry Fee: 

No entry fee is required to submit to the contest.


·         The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets will only accept “first book” submissions from African writers who have not published a book-length poetry collection. This includes self-published books if they were sold online, in stores, or at readings. Writers who have edited and published an anthology or a similar collection of other writers’ work remain eligible.
·         An “African writer” is taken to mean someone who was born in Africa, who is a national or resident of an African country, or whose parents are African.
·         Only poetry submissions in English can be considered. Work translated from another language to English is accepted, but a percentage of the prize will be awarded to the translator.
·         No past or present paid employees of the University of Nebraska Press or Amalion Press, or current faculty, students, or employees at the University of Nebraska, are eligible for the prizes.
·         A winner will be announced in early January, with notifications sent shortly thereafter.
·         The 2016 Prize is open to submissions! Manuscripts are accepted annually between September 15 and December 1st.
·         Poetry manuscripts should be at least 50 pages long.
·         The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript. All entries will be read anonymously. Please include a cover page listing only the title of the manuscript (not the author’s name, address, telephone number, or email address). An acknowledgements page listing the publication history of individual poems may be included, if desired. No application forms are necessary. Eligible writers may submit more than one manuscript.
·         While we have no specific formatting rules, we suggest sending your manuscript in Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font, single-spaced. We also prefer one poem per page, meaning a new poem does not begin on the same page on which another ends.


Manuscripts are accepted between September 15th and December 1st.

How to Submit: 

Click here to submit.